Malta Yacht Structures
Dr. Jean-Philippe Chetcuti
TAX ON SHIPPING ACTIVITIES:Exempt MARTIME FLAG:Largest in Europe, 6th in the world TAX ON OTHER TRADING ACTIVITIES:Possible 5% effective tax rate EU:Member of the EU and Eurozone DOUBLE TAX TREATY: Extensive double tax treaty network NO WITHHOLDING TAX: On outbound dividends
- Shipping Organisations: Exemption from Income Tax
- Holding Entities: Asset Protection/Risk Segregation
- Costs: Relatively Low Establishment & Operating Fees
- Reputation of an EU Jurisdiction
- Timeframes: 3-5 Days Company Incorporation
The Maltese legal system provides for various entities/vehicles that may be used for the purpose of asset holding or trading. The vehicles available include trusts, foundations, partnerships and limited liability companies, the most popular being the latter. Malta limited liability companies are incorporated and regulated in terms of the Maltese Companies Act, which is the principal piece of corporate law in Malta. The Act is predominantly based on common law principles and in line with European Union (EU) directives. Due to the simple registration process, and benefits in fiscal planning, Maltese companies offer an ideal environment for structuring, asset protection and/or commerce within the maritime sphere. In the context of maritime trading and commerce, Maltese law provides for the setting up of shipping organisations which, whilst being generally limited liability companies, benefit from a number of incentives due to the application of tonnage tax law. The Malta Tonnage Tax regime is governed by the Merchant Shipping Act (Chapter 234 of the Laws of Malta). The regime has been approved by the European Commission.
- Share Capital: EUR 1,250
- Eligibility: No Limitations on Nationality of Shareholders
- Malta Registered Office
- Officers: At Least One Director and Company Secretary
- Classification: Trading or Holding or Shipping Organisation Depending on Activity

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