The International Fiscal Association (IFA) is the only non-governmental and non-sectoral international organization dealing with fiscal matters. Its objectives are the study and advancement of international and comparative law in the sector of public finance, especially comparative fiscal law and the financial and economic aspects of taxation.
It offers annual congresses and scientific publications as a result of its scientific research. Its high standards and impeccable reports have attracted 12,500 members from 108 different countries, as well as having built branches in 63 countries. In return the members’ selected are high level representatives from both the private and public sectors, including the courts, universities and international governmental and non-governmental organizations.
The IFA has offered the necessary forum to experts belonging to different sectors of society, where opinions on topics of international taxation can be exchanged with respect for each other’s background and responsibilities.
The IFA is continuously innovating and improving, having introduced the Young IFA Network (YIN) in 2012. This initiative was taken up so as to enhance the participation of YIN members in various IFA activities and to expand the reach of YIN amongst young professional at various branch levels.
Furthermore IFA has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social council. In that capacity, it is represented at meetings of the UN committee of experts on International Tax Cooperation.