Malta has recently seen the authorisation and launch of the first Maltese fund structured as a unit trust. The fund, a professional investor fund targeting sophisticated investors, is one of many such structures to be domiciled in Malta over the last few years and its authorisationrepresents another important milestone in the evolution of the country as a top quality funds jurisdiction.
While the jurisdiction has had a fully fledged unit trust legislation for a number of years this had never been used in the context of collective investment schemes and a number of important legal and regulatory were engaged with and explored in the process leading up to the issuing of the license. This can be expected to lead to greater clarity with respect to this area of law in the future and to facilitate the creation of similar structures.
Our firm assisted the promoters of the business with all aspects of the regulatory process and the co-ordination of the project from day one to the issuing of the final license.
Malta has recently seen the authorisation and launch of the first Maltese fund structured as a unit trust. The fund, a professional investor fund targeting sophisticated investors, is one of many such structures to be domiciled in Malta over the last few years and its authorisationrepresents another important milestone in the evolution of the country as a top quality funds jurisdiction.
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