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Malta Issues Call for Oil Exploration Licences

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The Maltese Government has issued an international call for applications for oil exploration in its waters, principally Area 1, Area 4, Area 5 and Area 6 in the Southern and Western part of the Maltese territory.  The licences granted will be for exploration licences as well as exploration and production licences


The Government of Malta has issued an international call for applications for oil exploration licences in its waters.
The Government has issued the call for exploration licences as well as exploration and production licences in Area 1, Area 4, Area 5 and Area 6 in the Southern and Western part of the Maltese territory.

At present two firms, Mediterranean Oil & Gas Ltd and Heritage Oil Ltd currently have contracts for oil exploration in Maltese waters.

Despite being situated at the heart of the Mediterranean close to Libya and Tunisia, Malta has relatively left unexplored the commercial exploitation of oil.
The offer closes in December.

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